︎ Edited volumes
Braybrooke, K. & Kloiber, J. & Thorne, M. (eds) 2023, Gentle Dismantlings, a collaborative issue of DING x Branch magazines on the next generation of posthuman feminisms.
Braybrooke, K. & Smith, A. (eds) 2018, Special Issue 12: Makerspaces and institutions, Journal of Peer Production.
Braybrooke, K. & Nissilä, J. & Vuorikivi, T. (eds) 2013, The Open Book: A publication about open knowledge, Finnish Institute, London. Available as: [Amazon] [Issuu] [PDF].

︎ Book chapters
Braybrooke, K. & Huckfield, S. & Thomas, N. 2021, ‘Rethink the system, together: Articulating a circular economy with maker communities in China’. In This is Distributed Design. Fab Lab Barcelona. Available as: [chapter] [full book].
Braybrooke, K. & Smith A. 2021, ‘Makerspaces & peer production: Spaces of possibility, tension, post-automation, or liberation?’ In M. O’Neil, C. Pentzold & S. Toupin (eds), The Handbook of Peer Production (pp. 347-358). Malden: Wiley-Blackwell. Available as: [chapter] [full book].
Braybrooke, K. 2019, ‘Placeless making? Reframing the power-geometries of digital platforms in China through tactical co-creation’ in L. Bogers & Chiappini, M. (eds), Critical Makers Reader: (Un)Learning Technology (pp. 258-269). Amsterdam: Institute Network Cultures. Available as: [chapter] [full book].
Damiani, L. & Papadimitriou, I. & Braybrooke K. 2019, 'Empowering debate: Art, culture + tech', How to Mozfest: 10 years of activism, community and collaboration. Available as: [chapter HTML] [chapter PDF] [full book].

︎ Academic journals & proceedings
Magnusson, T. & Braybrooke, K. & et al 2024, ‘The Organium: A library of technical elements for improvisatory design thinking’, AM '24: Proceedings of the 19th International Audio Mostly Conference: Explorations in Sonic Cultures, 2024, pp. 198-208. Braybrooke, K. & Xiao, G. & Lynam, A. 2023, ‘Living Lab, interrupted? Exploring new methods for (post)digital exchange on WeChat with urban-rural Living Labs in China and Germany during COVID-19’, Journal of Science Communication.
Hee Jeong-Choi, J. & Braybrooke, K. & Forlano, L. 2023, ‘Care-full co-curation? Critical urban placemaking for more-than-human futures’, CITY Journal [& free download].
Braybrooke, K. & Xiao, G. & Lynam, A. & Huang, H. 2022, 'Everyday sociospatial practices across borders? A photowalk between Huangyan, China & Thüringen, Germany with WeChat Group "URA 照片共享群"', In A. Lynam & H. Huang & Y. Guiqing (eds), URA Periodical 1(2), Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin, DE.
Braybrooke, K. 2022, ‘Creative commons, open access, free- libre / open source software’, In H. Callan & S. Coleman (eds), The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology (p 1-10). John Wiley & Sons Ltd [& free download].
Braybrooke, K. & Janes, S. & Sato, C. 2021, ‘Care-full design sprints, online? Addressing gaps in cultural access and inclusion during Covid-19 with vulnerable communities in London and Tokyo’, In C&T ’21: Proceedings 10th International Conference on Communities & Technologies, Seattle [& free download].
Braybrooke, K. 2020, ‘Together we dance alone: Building a toolkit for creatives in a pandemic’, Interactions 27 (4), pp. 68–71 [& free download].
Braybrooke, K. & Smith, A. 2018, ‘Liberatory technologies for whom? Analysing a new generation of makerspaces defined by institutional encounters’, Journal of Peer Production 12, pp. 1-13 [& free download].
Damiani, L. & Braybrooke, K. & Sage, J.P 2018, ‘Temporary techno-social gatherings? An open discussion (hacked)’ in J. P. Bowen, Diprose, G. & Lambert, N. (eds), Proceedings of EVA London 2018, BCS Learning and Development Ltd, pp. 263-271 [& free download].
Braybrooke, K. 2018, ‘Hacking the museum? Practices & power geometries at collections makerspaces in London’, Journal of Peer Production 12, pp. 40-59 [& free download].
Braybrooke, K. & Jordan, T. 2017, ‘Genealogy, culture and technomyth: Decolonizing Western information technologies, from Open Source to the maker movement,’ Digital Culture & Society 3(1), pp. 25-46 [& free download].
Braybrooke, K. & Jordan, T. & Richterich, A. & Wenz, K. 2017, ‘When does IRL matter? Location and networked creativity in gamer, hacker and maker publics', Selected Papers of Internet Research, Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR), Tartu [& free download].

︎ Other media
Braybrooke, K. & Kloiber, J. & Thorne, M. 2023, ‘Calling all the wild ones: The next generation of posthuman feminisms’, Gentle Dismantlings, DING x Branch magazines [& free download].
Interview with Sarah Allen about K’s work, 2023: ‘Growing an interdisciplinary virtual community and its “third spaces”’, Collaborative Incubator Toolkit, Beyond the Now, Berlin.
Braybrooke, K. & Jansen, F. 2022, ‘Tectonics of hope: Mapping resistance and regeneration in (and beyond) digital colonialism’, Superrr Digital Furtures Report, Berlin, DE [& free download].
Braybrooke, K. 2022, ‘To know the individual is to know the collective: Translocal encounters of the virtual community Art Tech Nature Culture’, Backchannels, Society for Social Studies of Science [& free download].
Braybrooke, K. 2021, ‘Access, power geometries and cyborg witches: Unpacking the digital material of the V&A GynePunk 3D-printed speculum – and its omissions’, Victoria & Albert Museum, London [& carrier-bag teaching kit 🛍️].
Braybrooke, K. 2021, ‘Thinking as a ‘we’ again: Building collective worlds of mutual aid and creativity between/across digital platforms’, Beyond the Now 1(2).
Braybrooke, K. 2020, ‘Creating in crisis? Turning collective precarity into socio-ecological transformation’, Material Futures Catalog, Central Saint Martins, London, pp. 26-27.
Houston, L., Light, A. & Braybrooke, K. 2020, ‘How are environmentally engaged arts and cultural organisations responding to the COVID-19 pandemic?’, Creative Practices for Transformational Futures: Rapid Response.
Braybrooke, K. 2018, ‘WeChat and makers in China: creativity, liberation, restriction’, British Council Creative Economy.
Braybrooke, K. & Flint, J. & Murphy, I. 2018, ‘China: Making as national transformation?’, British Council Creative Economy [& PDF].
Braybrooke, K. & O’Sullivan, E. 2017, ‘Hunting the machine ghosts of Brighton’, Furtherfield [& PDF].
Braybrooke, K. 2016, ‘A doctoral day by other means: Power-geometries of space, community and (r)evolution in El Poblenou,’ EASST Review 35(4).
Braybrooke, K. 2015, ‘Hacking Apple: Putting the power of tech back into our hands,’ The Guardian [& PDF].
Braybrooke, K. 2014, ‘Hello world: Let’s remake networked art’, Medium, London.