The Covid Creatives Toolkit
Digital curation
Digital curation
The #CovidCreativesToolkit was a crowdsourced compilation of free and open source resources, from digital gathering and organising tools to teaching syllabi, to support creative practitioners who found themselves needing to migrate their practice online in the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic. It began with an open call for collaborators during the first lockdowns of early 2020, and I was soon joined by 30 other curators and many unnamed contributors from around the world engaged in arts, technology, academia, and gig work. Together, we compiled an open archive on a redesigned Google Doc culimnating in a regularly-updated list of mutual aid resources for artists, makers, curators and educators. The kit’s 7 chapters, now hosted on the Internet Archive, offer a glimpse into how mutual aid can emerge from a crisis, from co-creation tools to zoom dance parties, collective action platforms, self-care apps and other much-needed resources.
Featured in:
‘Together, we dance alone: building a collective toolkit for creatives in a pandemic’, Interactions Magazine
‘What can designers do to respond to covid?’, University of the Arts London (UAL)
'New arts & humanities projects at the forefront of COVID-19 response', King’s College London
‘Furtherlist #19’, Furtherfield
‘Team picks: Working with artists’, University of Exeter
'Covid-19 resources and funding for artists & freelancers', Watts Gallery Artists Village
‘Crowdsourced tools & methods’, Methods Lab, Goldsmiths University
Featured in:
‘Together, we dance alone: building a collective toolkit for creatives in a pandemic’, Interactions Magazine
‘What can designers do to respond to covid?’, University of the Arts London (UAL)
'New arts & humanities projects at the forefront of COVID-19 response', King’s College London
‘Furtherlist #19’, Furtherfield
‘Team picks: Working with artists’, University of Exeter
'Covid-19 resources and funding for artists & freelancers', Watts Gallery Artists Village
‘Crowdsourced tools & methods’, Methods Lab, Goldsmiths University